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Casa Maria

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Dear Mrs. Mehl!

The holiday in Casa Maria were totally awesome !!!
We have enjoyed the days there in every possible way and now we are totally relaxed (but didn't want to go) back home.
Everything was fine, we immediately felt "at home".
The children did not miss anything. Gladly again!
The people were very friendly and with our dog and everything went well.
Only with the driving there we had some issues -

We took the exit in Orvieto and drove a little long ....

Probably we also had very good luck with our respective neighbors.
Both families were very nice and we never had any stress because of / by the pool or something.

There is nothing negative to say and we are already consider if we should rent a house again -
then probably Casa Felice
My family enjoyed it very well. We were allowed to look at it one time.

But I like Casa Maria as well, so we still have to argue which one we will probably take.


Lovely greetings,

Claudine W.

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